How to Organize Economy as Best First Class Seat

Leaning back in your leather seat, champagne glass in one hand, a newspaper in the other. That’s the dream of every air passenger who has no other choice than to take a sit in economy class. But who says that you need to stick with that? Below are some tips that can pump up your flight experience and give you a reason to pamper yourself while aboard.

Put on Some Comfortable Clothes

Getting on the plane usually means that you are going to stay for a while in a cramped space, with a lot of other people. And what else than comfortable clothes can make you feel at home? Moreover, who says that first-class seats aren't emanating a home-like vibe? Putting on your tracksuit can seem a good idea, but looking presentable is a better choice (read on to find out why). But don’t be easily disappointed, you can always bring your comfortable clothes with you and change onboard, and when you need to disembark, change into your usual clothes.

Another way to boost up your coziness is to change your shoes too. You can put down your heavy shoes and slip on some fluffy socks or your favorite slippers.

Book Economy Class Seats to Your Needs

We know that getting a seat in economy class goes along with many compromises, and can result in refusing a roomy leg space. But that does not mean there is no hot spots on the plane. When booking your flight tickets you can select the seats according to your liking and your needs.

  • The best place to sleep is next to the window, near the front of the plane. There you won’t be bothered by air passengers who pass by.
  • In case you are all about extra leg space, emergency exit rows are the way to go. You can check the rows that stay behind curtains or walls too. Nobody sits in front of them and, therefore, no one will recline his seat in your face.
  • If you want to get extra service, you can choose the seats in front of where flight attendants are staying. If you call kindly to their attention, you will be the first to get the care.
  • Once you are onboard, you can find plenty of seats empty. You need to ask if you have permission to sit somewhere else, and you will have the possibility to sit like a king or a queen on that empty row.

Do Not Forget to Pamper Yourself

Who said that you can’t take care of yourself while aboard? It is a must if the flight is long and you want to keep your skin in good condition. Besides that, you may get the same vibe as you may get in a luxurious spa when you will put your favorite mask or cream on your face. Don’t forget about the lip balm as your lips need to be treated as well. Another piece of advice is to bring with you the eye drops. These will help you bring back humidity to your eyes after you read your favorite book or watch an entertaining TV show.

Entertain Yourself

Books and TV shows can keep you fresh and entertained, thus you won’t get off the plane tired because you got really bored. To be entertained for a long time (flights usually take a lot, especially international flights), you will need to charge your device (whether a phone, a laptop or a tablet) up to 100%. Moreover, you can bring a power bank with you, as well.

Bring Your Travel Pillow

A pillow can be a true game-changer. We know how uncomfortable it can be to stay in a seat for a long time. For that reason, you can bring a pillow to boost up your comfort. You will save some luggage space if you carry an inflatable or foldable pillow. We advise you to pay attention to the level of its comfort and longevity if you travel a lot.

Save Some Space for Yourself

Do not load yourself with lots of bags. You can end up getting your luggage not only in the overhead compartment but also under your seat or even under your legs. Think about, is it worth refuting a larger legroom for yourself?

Get the Food with You

We understand that airplane food may not be the chicest, and it is definitely not to everyone's liking. If airplane meals are not your cup of tea, the solution is to bring food with you. We think it is a great choice, as your delicious meal and a small glass of bubbly, that you brought with yourself, can make first-class air travelers envy.

How Lucky Are You?

Using all the above tips isn't a guarantee of having the same experience you may have when flying in first-class seats. But don't be upset, as there is a chance of getting these seats without crashing your budget. With a little luck and patience, you can be upgraded. Besides that, we have some tips and tricks that can raise your chances to be eligible for the upgrade. We advise you to talk politely with any staff you meet, and try to look presentable (we talked about it previously). Another thing you may do is to stick with one airline. When flight attendants see you picking their airline frequently, they may "thank you" by upgrading.

Whether you are traveling for a holiday or you have to pursue some job goals aboard, and you have to fly in economy class, you already know how to get comfortable there. It won't be the same experience as in first-class, but you can definitely feel like a winner if you relax and enjoy the flight. Do not forget to try your luck, as you surely have a chance to get what you are dreaming of.

Last Updated on October 8, 2019.