Why Should We Celebrate World Compliment Day?

In a world tough like ours, words can really make a difference. Do you recall the last time someone gave you a compliment and how it made you feel? Just imagine if everybody would have the possibility to feel that way every single day. One for sure, our world wouldn’t be such a hard place to live in.

Since many of us don't do it on a daily basis, there is one special day dedicated to compliments, entitled World Compliment Day, so that everyone could share their compliments. Observed on March 1st, World Compliment Day is meant to be an astonishingly positive day, during which people give compliments to each other.

But when did it all start? Why are people doing this? And how to join the celebration? Read on, find out interesting facts about World Compliment Day, and perhaps, learn how to make the world better.

World Compliment Day History

Formerly being the National Compliment Day, this non-commercial holiday was founded by Hans Poortvliet in the early 2000s in the Netherlands. His initial reason to establish a day during which people would compliment each other was to create the world’s most positive day through mutual appreciation and recognition.

World Compliment Day has been spreading to other countries with fast paces ever since. Today, this initiative is met globally.

How to Observe World Compliment Day

So, how can you join the initiative? There is a fairly simple way to do it. Compliment someone and show through it your true appreciation for that person. It is considerate to praise someone’s work, too. Say something good about the person in case since these beautiful compliments will totally make their day brighter.

It doesn’t have to be a gift, just three nice compliments that come within your heart can impact someone’s mood. If you don’t really have what to say, a smile is just enough. Small good things are always making the day better, and sincere compliments could make a difference for a person.

People with a good frame of mind tend to do good things for other people. Hence, a smile, a “thank you!”, or a sincere compliment will make them pass on this amazing habit. Appreciate people who don’t even expect to be thanked, say something nice about your coworker's outfit, praise the things a family member is doing for you, and watch their reaction.

It doesn’t have to be some fancy Shakespearean compliments, just a small good word could turn a sad and bad luck day to a wonderful one. So, why stand aside? Improve the world by sharing some of the best compliments that you found in your heart for a person! No matter if the person is a stranger or someone you have known for your entire life, go share your appreciation for his looks or for the things he does.

And if you don’t know how to express yourself correctly, here are some examples of compliments that would work just fine:

  • You look amazing today and every day!
  • This is excellent work!
  • I like your style!
  • You have an amazingly good taste!
  • I appreciate you!
  • I appreciate what you do!
  • Thank you for…
  • You are awesome!
  • You make me laugh the most!
  • You inspire me!

Hopefully, you got inspired by these small but nice compliments that can boost someone’s mood. And if you still don’t know how World Compliment Day can make the world a better place to live in. Just imagine lots of people who are happy, have high-esteem, are ready to support others, are productive, and a general mood of well-being is set in the world. Now, go compliment someone!